Dehpouri, T.; Rahmatpour Rokni, G.; Ahangar Narenjbon, N.; Goldust, M.; Yamauchi, P. S.; Wollina, U.; Lotti, T.; Kircik, L.; Di Lernia, V. G.; Sonthalia, S.; Vojvodic, A.; Szepietowski, J.; Bahadoran, P.; Errichetti, E.; Cantisani, C.; Atzori, L.; Rezaee, E.; Kutlubay, Z.; Engin, B.; Nisticò, S.; Damiani, G.; Conic, R. R.; Goren, A.; Čabrijan, L.; Tchernev, G. Evaluation of the Glycemic Effect of Methotrexate in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients With Metabolic Syndrome: A Pilot Study. Dermatol Reports 2019, 11.