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  • Ageing Research
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  • Alternative Medicine Studies
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  • Antiqua
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  • Astronomy Studies Development
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  • Dermatology Reports
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  • Drugs and Therapy Studies
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  • Global Meteorology
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  • Hematology Meeting Reports (formerly Haematologica Reports)
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  • International Journal of Plant Biology
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  • Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation
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  • Journal of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine
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  • Mappe Parassitologiche
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  • Medical Education Development
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  • Nanotechnology Development
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  • Open Journal of Archaeometry
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  • Pre-Clinical Research
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  • Research in Geophysics
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  • Rheumatology Reports
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  • Stem Cell Studies
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  • Surgical Techniques Development
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  • Trends in Evolutionary Biology
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  • Veterinary Science Development
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  • Working Paper of Public Health
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