In vitro and in vivo lineage conversion of bone marrow stem cells into germ cells in experimental Azoospermia in rat

Submitted: 3 September 2011
Accepted: 11 October 2011
Published: 19 October 2011
Accepted: 11 October 2011
Abstract Views: 1060
PDF: 564
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All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article or claim that may be made by its manufacturer is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Andrology & Sexology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Histology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Supporting Agencies
Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Faculty of Medicine Cairo University
Mohammed T. Abdel Aziz, Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo
Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Taymour Mostafa, Andrology & Sexology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo
Andrology Sexology
Hazem Atta, Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo
Medical Biochemistry Department
Soheir Asaad, Histology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo
Histology Department
Hanan H. Fouad, Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo
Medical Biochemistry Department
Gamal Mohsen, Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo
Medical Biochemistry
Laila Rashed, Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo
Medical Biochemistry
Dina Sabry, Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo
Medical Biochemistry
Mohammed Abbas, Unit of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo
Medical Biochemistry
How to Cite
Abdel Aziz, M. T., Mostafa, T., Atta, H., Asaad, S., Fouad, H. H., Mohsen, G., Rashed, L., Sabry, D., & Abbas, M. (2011). In vitro and in vivo lineage conversion of bone marrow stem cells into germ cells in experimental Azoospermia in rat. Stem Cell Studies, 1(1), e15.
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