Dermatology Reports is the official journal of the Italian Association of Hospital Dermatologists (ADOI - Associazione Dermatologi-Venereologi Ospedalieri Italiani e della sanità pubblica), of the Italian Melanoma Intergroup (IMI) and of the Italian Society of Surgical Oncologic, Corrective and Aesthetic Dermatology (SIDCO - Società Italiana Dermatologia Chirurgica Oncologica, Correttiva ed Estetica), dedicated to all skin-related diseases.
About the Journal
Dermatology Reports is the Official Journal of the Italian Association of Hospital Dermatologists (ADOI - Associazione Dermatologi-Venereologi Ospedalieri Italiani e della sanità pubblica) of the Italian Melanoma Intergroup (IMI) and of the Italian Society of Surgical Oncologic, Corrective and Aesthetic Dermatology (SIDCO - Società Italiana Dermatologia Chirurgica Oncologica, Correttiva ed Estetica).
Manuscripts dealing with research, biology, epidemiology, clinics of all skin-related diseases are welcome. Dermatology Reports publishes original articles, reviews, brief reports and case reports.
Vol. 16 No. 3 (2024)