Looking for the right journal for your next paper?


Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine is a new, peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to all aspects of infectious disease and herbal medicine including geographic, seasonal, and other risk factors that influence the transmission, diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment, management, and prevention of infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi, and identifies global trends that have the potential to result in major epidemics.

If your manuscript is almost ready for submission and you don't know which journal would well match, we would like to recommend the Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine.

The Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine publishes original articles, reports, editorials, letters to the editor, rapid communications, case studies, and reviews, providing a venue for integrated and global approaches to infectious and herbal medicine. Our audience might be veterinary and medical scientists, infectious disease specialists, pharmacology specialists, virologists and public health researchers among others.

Coverage includes:

  • New knowledge on pathogens (viruses, bacteria, protozoa, helminths, fungi and prions) and on host-pathogen interactions.
  • Animal studies and in vitro experiments evaluating scientific efficacy of natural products used for the treatment of infectious diseases.
  • Immunity to pathogenic micro-organisms and systemic and mucosal immunology of infected organisms.
  • Investigation of pharmacological and molecular biological mechanisms of natural products for infectious diseases.
  • Epidemiological papers should provide new knowledge on pathogen-host interactions and/or host-population interactions related to infectious diseases.
  • The new technologies, such as nanotechnology, novel emulsification methods, and photodynamic therapy, in the formulation of natural products for infectious diseases.
  • Clinical trial of natural products for infectious diseases using scientific statistical analysis.

Articles that incorporate recent data into new methods, applications, or approaches (e.g., statistical modeling) that enhance infectious and herbal medicine are strongly encouraged.

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