53 Titles
All Books

Acute Care Medicine Surgery and Anesthesia
eISSN: 2974-8151

Advancements in Health Research
eISSN 3035-1103

Alternative Medicine Studies
pISSN: 2038-9477
eISSN: 2038-9485

Annals of African Medical Research
pISSN: 2612-5498
eISSN: 2611-6642

Annals of Clinical and Biomedical Research
eISSN: 2724-508X

Archives of Italian Urology and Andrology
pISSN: 1124-3562
eISSN: 2282-4197

Biomedical Science and Engineering
eISSN: 2531-9892

Bleeding, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
eISSN: 2785-5309

Case Reports in Emergency Surgery and Trauma
eISSN 2975-089X

Chest Disease Reports
eISSN 2039-4772

Confinia Cephalalgica
eISSN 3035-0670

Dermatology Reports
eISSN 2036-7406
Early Access Articles

Drugs and Therapy Studies
pISSN: 2038-9493
eISSN: 2038-9507

Emergency Care Journal
pISSN: 0000-0000

Endocrinology Studies
pISSN: 2038-9515
eISSN: 2038-9523

European Journal of Histochemistry
pISSN: 1121-760X
eISSN: 2038-8306

European Journal of Translational Myology
eISSN: 2037-7460

Geriatric Care
pISSN 2465-1109
eISSN 2465-1397

Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia
eISSN 1121-4171

Global Cardiology
eISSN: 2975-2728

Healthcare in Low-resource Settings
eISSN 2281-7824

Infectious Diseases and Herbal Medicine
eISSN: 2724-5284

Italian Journal of Medicine
eISSN 1877-9352
pISSN 1877-9344

Italian Journal of Wound Care
eISSN: 2611-6626

La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica
pISSN 0391-5387
eISSN 2420-7748

Laser Therapy
eISSN 1884-7269

MAP Kinase
eISSN 2235-4956

Medicina e Morale
eISSN 2282-5940

Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases
eISSN 2035-3006

Mental Wellness
eISSN 3034-8269

Microbiologia Medica
eISSN 2280-6423

Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease
eISSN 2532-5264

Ozone Therapy
eISSN 2499-5991
pISSN 2499-5169

Pre-clinical Research
eISSN 2975-0180

Proceedings of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
eISSN: 2791-5301

Pyramid Journal of Medicine
eISSN 2612-2332

Qualitative Research in Medicine and Healthcare
eISSN 2532-2044

Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome
eISSN 2239-8031
pISSN 2499-7552

Reumatismo - The Italian Journal of Rheumatology
eISSN 2240-2683

Rheumatology Reports
eISSN 2036-752X

Ricerca Psicoanalitica
eISSN 2037-7851
pISSN 1827-4625

Rivista di Psicopatologia Forense, Medicina Legale, Criminologia
pISSN 2533-2619
eISSN 2610-9018

eISSN: 2239-6403

Surgery in Geriatrics and Frailty
eISSN 0000-0000

Translational Medicine Reports
eISSN 2532-1250

Urogynaecologia International Journal
eISSN 2038-8314

Veins and Lymphatics
eISSN 2279-7483

Veterinary Science Development
pISSN: 0000-0000
eISSN 2038-9701